Get Ready for ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2024

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 Awards Announcement Link

Nominations are open for the 2024 FASP Awards Program

FASP Advocacy Center Image

FASP's Bill Tracker - Visit our Public Policy and Professional Relations Committee page

Call to Action - Visit our Advocacy Action Center


CSFI Fundraising Progress


Support CSFI in helping Florida's children and families. Your CSFI support is needed now more than ever! Please help us reach our goal and donate today!



Understanding Social Emotional Learning (SEL): Practice Considerations for Schools

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is an area of skill development that is increasingly moving to the forefront of education. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) focuses on promoting students’ positive behavior and social interactions; characteristics fostered through direct SEL instruction. Moreover...(read more).



1 | Address the Critical Shortage of School Psychologists in Florida
2 | Expand and Increase School-Based Behavioral and Mental Health Services
3 | Promote Safe and Healthy School Climates
4| Ensure Fair and Equitable School-Based Practices
5 | Engage in Professional Advocacy

FASP's Strategic Plan